Monday, June 13, 2011

My Effects Board

I mentioned my "modest" effects board, so I thought I would post it here:

Pretty basic. Wah/volume pedal, MXR Phase 90, Boss distortion, Behringer tremolo, and a Boss echo.  I like to keep it simple.  (The blue & white A/B box sitting sideways above the volume pedal switches the signal between the tuner and the pedals/amp.)

If you look closely you'll see that the distortion is cranked pretty low.  That's because lately I want as much Tele tone to come through.  I don't want to bury it behind a wall of fuzz.

And here is my effects carrying case:

It's an old hard-shell Samsonite suit case.  I was going to look for one at garage sales, but one day I saw this on the curb waiting for the garbage men to take it away, so I rescued it.  I got it home and it worked perfectly!

There are two things I really like about it.

1. No one else has one like it.

2. It looks like a piece of ancient garbage, so I feel like no one would be tempted to steal it when I leave it in plain site on the back seat of my car in a parking lot.  It has no street value as luggage, and who would want to steal my toothbrush and underwear?  I could make it "cool" by putting all kinds of music-related stickers on it, but that might give a clue to its contents.

The only thing it was lacking was a way for me to tell which side was "up."  But I fixed that problem by taking a monkey sticker off a banana and putting it on the top.

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